Behind The Scenes: Are Saturdays For Sleeping In?

If you know anything about Buckaroo Bling, you know our studio is closed on Saturdays. So why are we closed when a lot of folks are out and about shopping? Are we sleeping in? Are we hiding in the basement? Are we scaling local mountains and swimming in the lakes? Read on to find out.

Woman sleeping in bed with her face covered

While we might stay in bed a bit longer on Saturdays than on other days of the week, we're not sleeping the day away. Yes, rest is important, but there's a whole other reason why you won't see us in our studio or on social media on this day of the week.

If you haven't already figured it out from our About pages, all of us at Buckaroo Bling are committed to following God's plan for our lives. He created the world and all that is in it in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested. He also commanded us to do the same.

To rest doesn't mean to laze around though. You won't see us sketching new designs, wrangling wire, stringing beads, hammering metal, or puttering around the back end of our website, but you won't see us idly sitting around either.

Saturdays are the time for studying God's word, praying (we pray every day but do it more on Saturdays), reading the scripture, and contemplating all the blessings in our lives. Saturdays are a time for thankfulness and turning from our everyday pursuits to spend time in the presence of the One who gives us strength and skill to engage in those pursuits in the first place. Saturdays are a time for recharging our spiritual batteries so we can better deal with whatever the world throws at us in the coming week, because it's not our strength we walk in daily. We do all we do through Him who strengthens us.

So, don't be upset if you email, message, or call us on a Saturday and don't receive a response right away. We won't forget you; we'll respond on Sunday or Monday. We still value you and your business, but the thing we value most is honoring the One in whose hands all of our lives rest.

Shabbat Shalom!


P.S.  You can still shop our website on Saturdays, but your order will be processed on Sunday.

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Boot Bling lather fringe boot "earrings" by Buckaroo Bling     Turquoise Statement Earrings by Buckaroo Bling     Leather Fringe & Turquoise Necklace by Buckaroo Bling

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